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Book Covers: My Process

My process of finding and editing pictures for book covers online

Fun fact: I used to use a lot, but found that PicMonkey was quicker and had a few more options. But was my life before PicMonkey.

Editing Your Picture


-Since I do not have any great downloadable programs to edit pictures on my computer, I use sites like or


-Upload the picture.


-Begin editing online!

-Use sites like Pixabay or Splitshire to find your pictures.


-You can also Google search things like: "free public domain images", "copyright free pictures", etc.


Finding Your Picture

Fun fact: If you are not worried about copyright, then finding wallpaper images on Google or other sites is also very helpful. I like doing that if I want some sort of concept art or inspiration for writing.

-I like saving different copies throughout in case the site crashes or there is a problem with the Wi-Fi/internet.


-I use PicMonkey for editing pictures, and iPiccy for adding text or other layers.


-For sites like Wattpad or Figment, they ave different cover sizes. When you upload the picture, you might find that it is different and it will be cropped strangely.


-Use sites like PicMonkey or iPiccy for adding different fonts for your text. (I prefer iPiccy for this element of the cover)


-You can use different colors, and move the text to wherever you want. Just make sure it does not get cut off.


Adding the Text

Fun fact: If you are not worried about copyright, then finding wallpaper images on Google or other sites is also very helpful. I like doing that if I want some sort of concept art or inspiration for writing.

Wattpad - I use the crop of 470x700. You can set the crop tool to this number and then lock it in place so you can make the crop bigger or smaller than this in comparison to your image.

Figment - The crop on figment is about 2x3. (It is smaller in height in comparison to Wattpad.) and I generally just make sure that none of my text will be cut off on both Wattpad and Figment.

Extra tip: I generally make sure that none of my text will be cut off on both Wattpad and Figment. That way, I can use the picture for both, and crop it on Figment in the way I want.

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